Saturday, June 2, 2007

Why A Blog?

Search Engine Marketing is the answer. Although it is important to continually produce quality content, the blog its self is not as important as the boost it gives my business website. has an Alexa traffic ranking of 15 and because this Blog is published on a domain name it is given a high search engine placement score. The content is considered to be highly relevant to my business website and the search engines reward my website with a higher placement score because it is linked to my website. This in return drives more qualified traffic to my website resulting in an increased Visitor Conversion Rate. Remember to consider the search engines point of view when you build your incoming links. Try and get high quality incoming links. Just a side note: I have found that if your sites job is to collect qualified leads; your visitors are more likely to fill out a short request form rather than a long request form. The longer the form is the more taxing on the visitor to fill out so they are less inclined to do so. Case study, Bell Insurance has short forms consisting of 9 user responses and long forms consisting of 47 user responses on their website. The short form is used 98% of the time. This means that a Bell Insurance Agent must call the user and get that extra information, but it is a qualified lead none the less and results in more policies sold. Their website makes money for the company. So the bottom line is, if you have a well designed and well written website that guides your visitor through the buying process, it will result in more sales for your company. Good luck and start a blog or two. P.S. I almost forgot; submit your blog to the search engines so they know about the incoming link.